英国新闻中文网 > 财经 > 威尼斯双年展特别推荐艺术家郭域



郭域,汉族,字:远之,号:元觉。祖籍山西怀仁市金沙滩,曾在中国人民大学徐悲鸿艺术学院攻读书法专业硕士研究生课程两年。现为中国书法家协会会员、中国书法研究院会员、书法报签约书画家、高级书画师(文化部)。现聘中国文化艺术研究会执行主席、中央电视台《艺术传承》客座教授、山西师范学院等大学客座教授。央视在线推存2023收藏指数五星级艺术家。中共党员,高级职称、省国资委高级专家。曾任中共大同局永矿党委组织部长、中共汾西矿务局党委组织部部长、厂党委书记、山西能源集团国际投资有限责任公司董事长。曾担任“2008人文奥运”全国大学生书法大赛评委。2022年出版个人艺术专著(《书学艺术人生论》)一书,由中国华艺出版社 出版发行。具体艺术作品及艺术研究获奖情况:

一、书法艺术创作及作品获奖情况。 从90年代开始,曾先后参加全国各类书法大赛并多次入展和获奖20多次。其中,入展中国书法家协会、中国书法研究院和书法报社等主办的全国性书法大展。同时,曾获得“岳安杯”第一届国际书法作品展提名奖、第五届“中国重阳书画奖”、首届“和谐杯”全国诗书画作品大展赛一等奖。



Guo Yu, Han Chinese, character: yuanzhi, number: yuanjue. His ancestral home is Jinshan, Huairen City, Shanxi Province, and he studied for two years at Xu Beihong Art College of Chinese Minmin University. He is currently a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the China Academy of Calligraphy, a contracted calligrapher of Calligraphy Newspaper, and a senior calligrapher (Ministry of Culture). He is currently the executive chairman of the China Culture and Art Research Association, a visiting professor of CCTV's "Art Inheritance", and a visiting professor of Shanxi Normal University and other universities. CCTV Online Promotes 2023 Collection Index Five-Star Artists. Member of the Communist Party of China, senior professional title, senior expert of the provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. He used to be the director of the organization department of the Yong Mine Party Committee of the CPC Datong Bureau, the director of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of the Fenxi Mining Bureau of the CPC, the secretary of the factory party committee, and the chairman of Shanxi Energy Group International Investment Co., Ltd. He served as a judge of the "2008 Humanistic Olympics" National College Students Calligraphy Competition. In 2022, he will publish a personal art monograph ("The Theory of Life in the Art of Books"), which is published and distributed by China Huayi Publishing House. Awards for specific artworks and art research:

1. Calligraphy art creation and awards. Since the 90s, he has participated in various national calligraphy competitions and has been exhibited and won more than 20 awards. Among them, it was included in the national calligraphy exhibition sponsored by the China Calligraphers Association, the China Academy of Calligraphy and the Calligraphy Newspaper. At the same time, he has won the nomination award of the first international calligraphy exhibition of "Yue'an Cup", the first prize of the fifth "China Chongyang Calligraphy and Painting Award", and the first prize of the first "Harmony Cup" National Poetry and Calligraphy Exhibition Competition.

2. Calligraphy academic research and paper awards. On the basis of calligraphy hobbies and interests, through practical creation and artistic exchanges, and research and exploration of calligraphy theory, he has written more than ten calligraphy art papers in the past 30 years, of which 2 have been selected as papers of the 9th National Calligraphy Symposium sponsored by the Chinese Calligraphers Association ("From the Evolution of the Epitaph of the Six Dynasties: The Expansion and New Changes of Contemporary Calligraphy Creation") and the National Calligraphy Forum to Commemorate the 400th Anniversary of Fu Shan's Birth ("The Formation and Value of Fu Shan's Calligraphy Thought") It is also published by China Federation of Literature and Literature Press. Among them, he was selected as the first international calligraphy academic paper of the "Yue An Cup" sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Calligraphy ("On the Application of "Dao" in Calligraphy"). At the same time, he published a paper in professional newspapers and periodicals ("Art Appreciation and Art Accomplishment") and won the first prize of "2004 Management • Innovation Excellent Academic Achievement Paper" in 2005. In addition, in recent years, 3 of these calligraphy papers have been specially invited to be published in the China Calligraphy Art Yearbook and China Art Literature Publishing House.

3. Various honorary titles of calligraphy art: After more than 40 years of pursuit of calligraphy art, on the road of art and life, I truly realized that calligraphy is life, and life is calligraphy. In 2015, his work "Jingli Qiankun" was selected and engraved on the New Great Wall of China, and was awarded the honorary title of "Excellent Artist of the New Great Wall of China". In the same year, he was named "Employee Art Star". In the new century, he was awarded the title of "Virtuous and Art Artist" and the title of "Top Ten Annual Figures" of the 2013 Top 500 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting. In 2020, he was invited by [China Art Literature Publishing House] to write the papers "On the "Taste" of Calligraphy Art" and "On the Evolution of the Eastern Jin Dynasty Calligraphy Style", which were included in the "Guide to Enterprise Calligraphy and Painting Collection" issued by this agency. At the same time, he was awarded the honorary title of (the most collectible artist in 2020). On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, he was specially invited by the "Chinese Calligraphy Art Yearbook" to compile the "Trilogy of Destiny of Chasing Dreams Art and Feeling Life's Tragedy and Happiness", which was released by the China Art Archives Department.




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