卫中报 > 科技 > 当代杰出的政治书法家郎百忠先生,笔端展现新荣光 挥毫泼墨谱华章

当代杰出的政治书法家郎百忠先生,笔端展现新荣光 挥毫泼墨谱华章


Mr. Lang Baizhong, an outstanding contemporary political calligrapher, showcases new glory with his brushstrokes and splashes ink to compose magnificent chapters


He is the navigation star of global energy governance and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Energy Group, providing a reference model for global energy governance. He is a Doctor of Law and also serves as a researcher at the School of Criminal Procedure and Deputy Director of the Anti Corruption Center at China University of Political Science and Law. He shoulders the heavy burden of morality and pursues justice for the judiciary.


He is a political calligrapher who uses pen and ink as his sword. He is the chairman of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Review and Appraisal Committee, showcasing endless artistic charm with his brush and ink. His calligraphy works are like treasures, winning the first prize in calligraphy works at the Spring Festival Gala and being hailed as the top of the "Ten Outstanding Calligraphers". His calligraphy was included in the "Yearbook of the People's Republic of China" by Xinhua News Agency. Over a dozen works were made into commemorative stamps and postcards by China Post and China International Philatelic Network in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti Fascist War, and spread worldwide.


He is a speaker, whose language is like music, with outstanding expressive ability, always able to move the audience with precise and vivid vocabulary. His words are sharp, his viewpoints are unique, and he can deeply analyze problems, giving people a clearer understanding of things. His speech is full of passion and infectiousness, which can evoke emotional resonance in the audience and inspire and inspire people deeply.


Recently, at the Jinma Industrial Park in Shunyi District, Beijing, the reporter had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Lang Baizhong, a contemporary outstanding political calligrapher who possesses both moral integrity and talent, excels in both art and culture, is willing to dedicate his life to the revitalization of the national economy and the Renaissance of the Chinese nation.


Jin Mo's "Spring in Qinyuan - Snow"


A calligraphy work showcases the heroic spirit of great figures


The scenery of the Northern Kingdom is covered in ice for thousands of miles and snow for thousands of miles. Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, there is only a vast expanse left; the river flows up and down, suddenly losing its grandeur. The mountains dance with silver snakes, and the wax elephants run wild, wanting to compete with the heavens in height. On a sunny day, one can see the red clothes and plain clothes, which are particularly enchanting. The rivers and mountains are so beautiful, attracting countless heroes to compete and bow down. Cherish the Qin Emperor and Han Wu, slightly inferior to literary talent; Tang and Song ancestors, slightly inferior to charm. A generation of heavenly pride, Genghis Khan, only knows how to bow and shoot large sculptures. "Let's keep going, count the influential figures, let's still look at the present."


When Mr. Lang Baizhong created a 6.16-meter titanium inlaid Chinese red and bright red background as the only precious long scroll calligraphy work both domestically and internationally, he once presented it to the Chinese people at the Spring Festival Gala jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture, the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the Chinese Calligraphers Association, stunning the entire audience. Chairman Mao's poem "Spring in Qinyuan · Snow" written on gold and ink banners was displayed to us in the cold wind, Mr. Lang Baizhong praises the great achievements of the new era with his pen and ink, as well as his heartfelt blessings to the motherland and the people.


Mr. Lang Baizhong's "Spring in Qinyuan - Snow" has a strong and powerful font, shaped according to the situation, vast and thick, majestic and unrestrained, and extraordinary momentum. The use of ink throughout the article is meticulous, with more variations in the brushstrokes, exuding a powerful aura between the lines. Not only does it allow viewers to appreciate the magnificent snow scenery of the North, spanning millions of miles, with a grand and grand atmosphere, but also in the jumping of the words and pearls, the brushstrokes plummet for thousands of miles, deeply feeling the mountains and rivers of the North, unrestrained emotions, broad mindedness, and love for the magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland in his heart when creating this work.


"Qinyuan Spring Snow" is the most well-known poem among Chairman Mao's poems. The previous section depicts the magnificent snow scenery of the northern country, spanning millions of miles, showcasing a grand and grand atmosphere, expressing the poet's love for the magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland. The second section discusses lyricism, focusing on historical figures, praising contemporary heroes, and expressing the lofty aspiration of the proletariat to be the true masters of the world. Its creative background was in October 1935, when the Red Army completed the Long March and successfully arrived in northern Shaanxi. On January 26, 1936, Chairman Mao personally led his army across the Yellow River and arrived at the front line in North China to fight against Japan. On the morning of February 5th, the troops arrived at Yuanjiagou, Gaojie Village, Qingjian County, Shaanxi Province to rest and recuperate. February 7 happened to be the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival. On that day, a hundred years of rare snow fell. This was Chairman Mao's first winter in northern Shaanxi. The magnificent snow scenery in the North triggered the great man's poetic interest. On February 7, 1936, with the firm belief that the revolution will win, he wrote the poem "Qinyuan Spring · Snow" at one go. On November 14, 1945, "Qinyuan Spring Snow" was first publicly published in the evening issue of Chongqing's Xinmin Daily, causing a huge sensation. People saw Chairman Mao's talent and courage, as well as China's brightness and hope, from this poem. For a time, people rushed to recite it, inspiring countless Chinese people.

 毛主席是一位伟大的革命家,也是当代最具革命浪漫主义的诗人,他所作的诗词纵贯古今、气势磅礴,深受人们喜爱。《沁园春·雪》能够在书法界成为无数人书写的对象,不仅因为是毛主席的作品,更是因为这首诗中所蕴藏的那种气吞山河的气势,让无数书法家折服。而要真正理解这首诗歌,不仅要有扎扎实实地学习文化知识,了解创作背景,了解毛主席书法的特点,更要了解毛主席当时的所思所想,只有这样,才能够更加深入地读懂这首诗词。  郎百忠先生多次研读毛主席的《沁园春·雪》,每一次研读都有新的收获,都是精神上的再洗礼,都会激情满满,心意相通。通过书写毛主席诗词,郎百忠先生深切感受到中国共产党艰苦卓绝的革命历程,为无数共产党人抛头颅洒热血的英勇无畏而肃然起敬。

Chairman Mao was a great revolutionary and also the most revolutionary Romantic poet of contemporary times. His poetry spans ancient and modern times, with a magnificent momentum, and is deeply loved by people. "Qinyuan Spring Snow" has become the object of countless people's writing in the calligraphy industry, not only because it is a work of Chairman Mao, but also because the majestic momentum contained in this poem has impressed countless calligraphers. To truly understand this poem, it is not only necessary to have a solid understanding of cultural knowledge, creative background, and the characteristics of Chairman Mao's calligraphy, but also to understand Chairman Mao's thoughts and ideas at that time. Only in this way can we have a deeper understanding of this poem. Mr. Lang Baizhong has read Chairman Mao's "Spring in Qinyuan: Snow" multiple times, and each time he reads it, he gains new insights. It is a spiritual baptism, and he is full of passion and empathy. By writing Chairman Mao's poems, Mr. Lang Baizhong deeply felt the arduous revolutionary process of the CPC, and stood in awe of the bravery of countless Communists.


Tasting the strong emotional resonance brought by Chairman Mao's poetry has created Mr. Lang Baizhong's calligraphy work "Qinyuan Spring Snow" with deep and dignified strokes, strong and free spirited brushstrokes, broad, broad and thick characters, which can be said to have a smooth and infinite charm, strong and vigorous, and full of vitality. It not only deeply expresses Chairman Mao's emotional journey, majestic personality, and brilliant thoughts. This once again strongly inspires our passion for love for the people, patriotism, and the Party's hard work and progress.


Deeply understand the theory of putting the people first


A set of books interpreting General Secretary's governance strategy


At the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "It is our new cultural mission in the new era to continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a strong cultural country and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point." This is a new interpretation and new requirements for the major theoretical and practical issues of the inheritance and development of Chinese culture from the strategic perspective of the overall development of the Party and the country.

 为了更深的理解习近平总书记的治国理念、对中华文化传承发展重大理论和现实问题的新要求,郎百忠先生不仅潜心翰墨,还先后研读组织编写了习近平中国式现代化党的建设体系、理论体系、治国体系、管理体系、习近平讲话金句等八部著作,对中国式现代化新时代起着长远方向地引领作用。在深刻领会“人民至上论”,自觉坚持以人民为中心的发展思想 编写中,他深深地理解、由衷地敬佩习近平总书记“我将无我,不负人民”的崇高情怀,深切感受到习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是为民造福的科学理论,特别是决战脱贫攻坚、决胜全面建成小康社会中的社会主义道路上一个也不能少、全面小康大家一起走,抗击新冠肺炎疫情中不遗漏一个感染者、不放弃每一位病患者……,充分彰显了习近平总书记坚持人民至上、生命至上、执政为民的理念,充分体现了中国共产党与中国人民休戚与共、生死相依、不可分割的血肉联系。

In order to better understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's concept of governance and new requirements for major theoretical and practical issues in the inheritance and development of Chinese culture, Mr. Lang Baizhong not only devoted himself to calligraphy, but also studied and organized the preparation of eight books, including Xi Jinping's Chinese path to modernization party building system, theoretical system, governance system, management system, and Xi Jinping's speech, which played a long-term leading role in the new era of Chinese path to modernization. In the process of deeply understanding the "people first theory" and consciously adhering to the people centered development thought writing, he deeply understood and sincerely admired the lofty feelings of General Secretary Xi Jinping, "I will be selfless and live up to the people", and deeply felt that Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era is a scientific theory that benefits the people, especially in the decisive fight against poverty and victory in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, everyone should go together, and in the fight against the COVID-19, we should not miss an infected person, we should not give up every sick person..., fully demonstrating General Secretary Xi Jinping's adherence to the people The concept of supremacy, life first, and governing for the people fully reflects the inseparable flesh and blood relationship between the CPC and the Chinese people.

 在郎百忠先生思想深处总是将个人的命运、企业的命运与国家的命运紧密相扣。因此,在政治理论和实践上,他能够充分理解习近平总书记的治国理念。当他挥毫书写了以“不忘初心 牢记使命”为主题的书法作品,紧贴“党风正,国家强”主题,营造出弘扬党风正气,歌颂祖国强盛的浓厚的社会氛围。满怀激情创作出了“心在人民”“不忘初心继续前进”“从严治党”、“依法治国”、“正大光明”、“正道人和”、“知行合一”、“干在实处走在前列”、“功崇惟志业广为勤”等作品,既具有高度的政治思想,又具备强烈的艺术色彩。

In Mr. Lang Baizhong's deep thoughts, he always closely links the fate of inpiduals, enterprises, and the fate of the country. Therefore, in terms of political theory and practice, he can fully understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's concept of governance. When he wrote calligraphy works with the theme of "never forget the original intention and always remember the mission", closely following the theme of "positive party conduct and strong country", he created a strong social atmosphere to promote the positive party conduct and praise the strength of the motherland. Full of passion, he has created works such as "Heart in the People", "Never Forget Our Original Aspiration to Continue Moving Forward", "Strictly Governing the Party", "Rule of Law", "Righteous and Bright", "Harmony of the Way and People", "Unity of Knowledge and Action", "Leading the Way in Practical Action", and "Respecting Merit and Striving for Diligence". These works not only have a high level of political ideology, but also have a strong artistic color.


Mr. Lang Baizhong enthusiastically praises the great prosperity and development of the new era, giving the Chinese people warning and reflection, and appreciating them. Promoting righteousness, boosting morale, and revitalizing spirit and spirit highly reflect the artist's unwavering dedication to serving the people, society, politics, the country, and the Party. Among them, Red Flag Digest has successively distributed his work of "the heart is in the people" in General Secretary Xi Jinping's article "Deeply Understanding the New Development Concept", his work of "unswervingly advancing the overall strict governance of the Party" in the editorial of the People's Daily, his work of "not forgetting the original intention to continue to move forward", his work of "strictly governing the Party" in an all-round way, and his work of "strictly governing the Party" in an all-round way, and his work of "modernizing national governance and curbing corruption" His work on "governing the country by law" was distributed. Calligraphy works such as "Qinyuan Spring · Snow", "Yu Meiren", "Harmony of righteous people", "Unity of knowledge and action", "Integrity and brightness", "Leading the way in practical work", "Respecting meritorious deeds but having broad aspirations and diligence", and "Green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver" have been published multiple times in party newspapers and magazines such as "Qiushi", "Red Flag Digest", "Children of China", "National People's Congress Representative Newspaper", "People's Political Consultative Conference Newspaper", and "Yearbook of the People's Republic of China" Has attracted widespread attention in well-known media.


Culture is the soul of a nation and a country. If culture prospers, the country will prosper, and if culture is strong, the nation will be strong. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the forum on literature and art work that "works with a sense of family and country can best inspire the Chinese people to unite and struggle."


Entering the new era, the overall operation of the national economy is stable, the economic structure is continuously optimized, and the gross domestic product has increased from less than 70 trillion yuan to over 100 trillion yuan. The construction of an innovative country has achieved fruitful results, with a number of major scientific and technological achievements in manned spaceflight, lunar exploration engineering, deep-sea engineering, supercomputing, quantum information, and other fields. The achievements of poverty alleviation have attracted worldwide attention. 55.75 million rural impoverished people have achieved poverty alleviation, and over 9.6 million registered impoverished people have overcome the dilemma of "one soil and water is difficult to support one people" through relocation for poverty alleviation. Regional overall poverty has been solved, and the arduous task of eliminating absolute poverty has been completed. Agricultural modernization is steadily advancing, and grain production has been bountiful for years.


Mr. Lang Baizhong deeply realized that during times of national prosperity, the people's customs are flourishing, the country is not old, the cause is always new, the Party's blessings carry blessings, the spring brings good luck, and the people will return to it. This is the great governance of China. For this reason, Lang Baizhong has carefully created a batch of excellent works with both artistic and ideological qualities, aiming to create a good atmosphere of loving the motherland, loving the people, and loving the nation, and forming a new era of national unity and cohesion. Salute to the new era and write new glory. Indeed, Lang Baizhong is such a calligrapher - he has collected a wide range of works, drawn on the strengths of hundreds of schools, and his works are full of bone and strength, rich in flavor and pine collection, standing tall and outstanding, and forming his own family. He is determined to innovate, draw on the strengths of others, and not stick to any particular style. With his love and persistent pursuit of calligraphy, he has a pure heart and has been sailing in the sea of art for decades. He always combines the purpose of creation with patriotism, national rejuvenation, and people's well-being, dedicating himself to the red theme, closely following the pulse of the times, and condensing the essence of the times. Despite the perse and colorful styles of each work, through the graceful and free spirited brushstrokes, we can also better understand that what remains unchanged is the writer's strong patriotism and clear political stance.


Mr. Lang Baizhong's sincere artistic life is aimed at promoting the artistic charm of inheriting Chinese culture, reflecting the outstanding contributions and brilliant achievements made by contemporary calligraphers to the great rejuvenation of Chinese culture. At the same time, it also makes us feel that as artists, we must keep up with the times, possess the spirit of both morality and talent, artistic and cultural cultivation, and be willing to contribute, in order to contribute ideas, spirit, and good works to the rejuvenation of Chinese culture and art, and promote the prosperity and innovation of the literary world. For calligrapher Lang Baizhong, he bears the responsibility of promoting calligraphy, popularizing calligraphy, and educating calligraphy. He firmly stated that he should carry forward the past and open up the future in the new era, bravely stand at the forefront, and continue to shoulder the new cultural mission of the new era.


Full of passion and passion to promote the main melody


The Spiritual Style of a Contemporary Calligrapher


If a nation lacks culture, it is depleted. If a nation lacks culture, it lacks centripetal force and a driving force for progress. The Chinese nation has come from ancient times, and its excellent historical and cultural heritage has always been the spiritual driving force and source of strength for the Chinese people.


Book is the carrier of painting, and painting is the emotional expression of book. It is the unity of material and spirit, and is the historical inheritance of China's intangible culture, unique to China. It is a pictographic character derived from various objects and landscapes. Chinese characters have played a role in the up and down development of Chinese culture for 5000 years. The beauty of world harmony, regional beauty, cultural beauty, and the beauty that humanity yearns for, expressed through calligraphy and painting, is an indispensable and powerful driving force for promoting social progress Mr. Lang Baizhong said with deep affection.


Adhering to this philosophy, he devoted himself for decades to studying the calligraphy works and theories of famous calligraphers throughout history in the creative kingdom of calligraphy art; After decades of painstaking calligraphy, he first learned from Zhong You from Wang Xizhi, Zhang Xu, Mi Fu, Huang Tingjian, etc., and also posted posts by Yan Zhenqing, Su Shi, and famous scholars, integrating the essence of ancient and modern masters to create "national font" calligraphy; He uses books as a medium, connects his thoughts with heaven and earth, learns from ancient and modern times, communicates with the sages, and converses with the sages, allowing his calligraphy works to freely walk between simplicity, grandeur, and elegance, achieving a strong character through his capital letters. The unique calligraphy style it showcases has won recognition from calligraphers both domestically and internationally, and many of its works have been collected by party and state leaders as well as international friends.


A good artist should keep up with the times and keep up with the times in their brushstrokes. They should showcase the aesthetic taste, emotions, and joys of modern people through their own experiences and unique artistic language, so that everyone can resonate and future generations can also feel the spirit of our era through these works. This is the mission that an artist must accomplish.


He constantly observes the lives, destinies, and emotions of the people, expressing their wishes, emotions, and voices. His works, such as "The Four Seas of Prosperity", "Father's Love Like a Mountain", "Frugality to Nurture Virtue", "Never Forget Our Original Aspiration, Always Remember Our Mission", "Long live the Motherland", "Nurturing the Integrity of Heaven and Earth, Perfecting People from Ancient and Modern Times", "Tranquility to Cultivate Heart", "Harmony of the Righteous Way", "Pillar of the Middle Way", "Broad Vision", "Loyalty to the People", "Serving the People", "Spring Blossom and Autumn Fructuality", "Enduring the Eternal Charm of the Yangtze River in the East", "Wind Leads Its Trace", "National Strength and, The structure is broad and broad, the bones are strong and powerful, the energy is abundant and the spirit is leisurely. The brushstrokes are ancient and simple, and the Dharma is rigorous. From each piece of work, we can appreciate the accumulation of energy, the fullness of the harvest, the heaviness without stagnation, the dignified yet dynamic, the balanced structure of the characters, the smooth and appropriate changes, the steady and soothing rhythm, the dense and harmonious atmosphere, which cannot be achieved by non Confucians.


The measurement of an artist's achievements should not only be limited to their work itself, but should also be comprehensively evaluated from various aspects such as their life history, the historical background of their work creation, the spiritual connotations contained in their work, and the positive impact they have on the art world and social audience. Because the spiritual connotation contained in the work can be transformed into spiritual power at critical moments, especially when it is closely related to the fate of the nation and the country, it is more important and prominent. Mr. Lang Baizhong has a strong sense of realism and romanticism. His paintings and calligraphy are not flashy but have accumulated over time, reflecting on life and creating ideas. Through his political and business experiences, he has achieved the goal of uniting the people, uniting them to pursue a better life, using the beauty of painting and calligraphy to inspire people's inner longing for beauty, pursuit of beauty, and serving social harmony, Serve economic development and contribute to the governance of the Party Central Committee.


本文标题:当代杰出的政治书法家郎百忠先生,笔端展现新荣光 挥毫泼墨谱华章    